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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Signs and Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion in Children

By Latonya Thomas

Heat-related illnesses such as heat strokes, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion are more likely to be found in children. Many people will argue with this notion. They will say that children are not more prone to these heat-related illnesses because they are younger and have more adrenaline therefore should be able to withstand prolonged amounts of heat. I can assure you that this is not true due to two major things that factor into this equation.
1. When children are playing on a hot summer day it is less likely for them to stop and take a break when having fun. Children will keep on going in prolonged heat when they really should be taking rest breaks to get cool air every now and then.
2. Also when having fun children tend to forget that their bodies are loosing rapid amounts of fluid due to the heat, and there bodies are perspiring. Which means only one thing children need to be sure to replace these fluids by drinking sufficient amount of fluids to replace what they've perspired so that they wont have one of these heat-related illnesses.
Out of all heat-related illnesses heat exhaustion is the next to last most severe illness. Heat Exhaustion is caused by not replenishing the fluids and salts in your body. It will most likely occur in extreme heat conditions with intense sweating that is not being sufficiently replaced by the proper fluids. This causes your body to overheat and if not treated immediately can cause a heat stroke which is the most severe of heat-related illnesses.
Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion in children include:
• Muscle Cramps
• Pale Skin
• Fever over 102 Degrees
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Weakness
• Anxiety
These signs and symptoms are the most common of heat exhaustion and can easily be seen in children. When your children are playing in extremely hot conditions make sure to keep an eye on them. If you notice any of the above signs or symptoms of heat exhaustion be sure to cool them down immediately. Always remember that heat cramps are really the first signs of heat exhaustion. If your child first experiences heat cramps or complain of heat cramps sit them down immediately and give them fluids this can prevent heat exhaustion if caught early on.
Treatments of heat exhaustion should include:
• Move the child to a cool or air-conditioned place.
• Remove all excess clothing.
• Fan Skin.
• Give fluids such as Gatorade that is made with salts and sugar to replace that which was lost.
If the child continues to show signs of heat exhaustion I suggest rushing them to your nearest emergency room before heat stroke occurs! 

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