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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Safety Tips for Your Big and Little Kids


Learn safety tips appropriate for your toddler or little kidToddlers have that perfect combination of energy and curiosity – and they say the funniest things, too.
As parents, this is the time when we want to let our kids explore, learn and have fun. Bumps, bruises, scrapes and scratches are part of the deal. But the one thing we don’t want is for small accidents to turn into more serious injuries. That’s where just a little information and planning come in.
On this site, you will find the top tips every parent needs to keep little kids safe. Think of us as your go-to source for safety information.
There are also other resources such as blogs, checklists and videos that will give you the tools you need to help keep your kids safe. And don’t forget to share this information with a friend. Because when it comes to keeping kids happy, active and safe, we’re all in this together.


Learn safety tips for your big kidsThis is one of the best ages for kids. They can be funny and smart, and they actually might still think we’re cool.
Remember, kids are sponges, and they are watching us just as closely as we’re watching them. So this is the perfect time to be with your children and help them learn all the ways they can explore and still be safe.
On this site, you will find the top tips every parent needs to keep big kids safe. Think of us as your go-to source for safety information.
There are also other resources such as checklists and videos that will give you the tools to help keep your kids safe. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Good Nights: 4 Sleep Solutions for Your Preschooler's Bedtime

Does Your Child Get Enough Sleep?

Bed time
When your child doesn't well, you don't sleep well. And that probably means that your whole family is waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
"The quality and quantity of your preschooler's sleep, or lack thereof, affects everything—dawdling, crankiness, hyperactivity, growth, health, and even whether he can recite the ABCs," says Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution. At this age, it's incredibly important for your child to get enough sleep; for most 3- and 4-year-olds, that means at least 11 hours of sleep a day, including naps.
To make sure your kid gets the sleep he/she needs to wake up refreshed and ready to learn, combat some of these common bedtime battles with real-life expert solutions.

My kid is never tired at bedtime.

bedtime routine
Your child may not look tired, but that doesn't mean she isn't. All preschoolers get drowsy, even if they don't want to admit it. And because many kids move into overdrive when they're overtired, it can seem like they still have energy to burn.
Sleep Solution It's crucial to set a nighttime routine and stick to it. "A child's biological clock functions best with a specific daily schedule, and going to sleep at the same time every day helps her body know when to wind down," says Pantley. Research has also shown that kids who have rules about bedtime have higher scores on tests of language, literacy, and math skills. Make your bedtime pattern a special time to bond. Choose a few calming activities, like braiding your child's hair after their bath, reading, and saying good night to his/her toys together. And remember to take your time; if you rush through the process, it could create tension and may just make her less sleepy.

My 4-year-old goes to sleep in his/her own bed but then sneaks into our room in the middle of the night.

family in bed sleeping
When a child prefers sleeping next to his parents, it's a sign of his/her trust and love. But once you get in the habit of letting into your bed, it's a difficult pattern to break, and he may become dependent on your proximity to fall back to sleep.
Sleep Solution To help your child stay in his own bed, there are a number of approaches you can take. "Going cold turkey (locking your door at bedtime and not opening it until the next morning) can be an effective method," says Parents advisor Judith Owens, M.D., director of Pediatric Sleep Medicine at Children's National Medical Center, in Washington, D.C. If you'd prefer a more gradual approach, put a sleeping bag in your room. Tell your child this is his space to sleep if he wants to be near you during the night but that he can't come into your bed. If he does climb in bed, take him back to his own room (or his sleeping bag) every time. Be ready for a challenge. "Your child will protest and cry to test how serious you are," says Dr. Owens. Don't give up.

My 3-year-old is afraid of the dark.

child looking under bed
The same creativity that lets your child conjure up pretend friends and elaborate games of pirates can also lead her to think there are monsters under her bed. "It's normal for preschoolers to have these fears because, developmentally, they've realized that people exist even when they can't see them," says Dr. Owens.
Sleep Solution The key to handling your child's night frights is not only to say that everything's okay, but to act as though it is. Start by reinforcing the message that there are no such things as monsters. Go in the closet or look under the bed together to prove there's nothing lurking in the dark spaces. (Avoid using solutions like "monster spray," which may make your child think that the scary guys do indeed exist.) In addition to getting a night-light, you can make the room feel safer by leaving a flashlight on her nightstand or getting a soothing white-noise machine. Before you leave her room, remind her that you're right down the hall and won't let anything happen to her.

My child is up at the crack of dawn!

One common reason kids get up so early is simply that they've had enough rest. "If your kid is sleeping about 11 hours, and he doesn't appear tired during the day, his early rising is normal," says Pantley.
Sleep Solution Get your early bird to snooze a little later by keeping his room dark, using blinds or curtains to block out the light. You could also place a digital clock on his bed stand, put a sticky note over the minutes display, and tell him to stay in bed until he sees the number 6 (or whatever your preferred hour of being dragged out of bed is). Schedule playdates in the afternoon so he gets lots of exercise to help tire him out, and stick to the same bedtime, even on weekends; letting him stay up to watch a family movie can throw off his sleep schedule and result in unreasonable wake-up times, preventing you both from getting enough winks during the week.
Originally published in the May 2011 issue of Parents magazine. and

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Brain exercises and physical coordination are benefits of physical education

Brain exercises and physical coordination are benefits of physical education because mind and body are connected. Certain physical coordination and occupational therapy activities support learning, especially reading fluency and comprehension.
This is why physical education is so important in schools and why physical coordination activities in classrooms can be used to organize the brain for reading. Scheduling time to get kids coordinated is absolutely essential to their learning to read and should NOT be left to chance. 

Generally speaking, children who can skip read better than those who can't. Except for a small percentage of the population, if a child can't skip, he can't read.
Skipping requires the right and left hemispheres of the brain to work together, the right brain controlling the left foot and the left brain controlling the right foot. Learning to skip builds connections between the two hemispheres across the corpus collosum which divides them. These connections, when established and strengthened by skipping, can then be used for reading. So skipping is really a brain exercise! Who knew?
Well, neuro scientists and researchers, actually, have known this for some time. But the message has not yet made it to everyone who works with children. Reading requires the same cooperation between the two brain hemispheres. To start reading a line of text on the left, the right brain is in control. At the midline, it must hand off to the left brain to continue reading to the end of the line.
Skipping is a critical skill for developing connections in the brain which may be used for reading.

Children who can skip generally read better than those who can't.


Reading from left to right also is hard for children who have difficulty at the midline of their bodies. It is also particularly difficult for

Occupational therapy activities treat such problems with specific brain exercises, and we as classroom teachers can help, too, using educational gadgets and toys which have children crossing the midline. 

  • Laser tag - This activity was recommended to me by our school's occupational therapist. Working with a small group of children, give each one a laser pointer and ask them to follow your light as closely as they can with theirs. Move your light along the wall, up and down, for them to follow.
    Children love taking turns being the leader, and I have found it helpful if the leader uses a laser of a different color. (Mine is green.)
    Care must be taken, of course, when using laser pointers in this brain exercise! I don't have to tell you that!

  • Bubbles - Also recommended by our occupational therapist, this activity involves blowing bubbles and asking children to stand still and pop the bubbles with the pointer finger of their dominant hand (the one they use for writing.) This means they will have to reach across the midline to pop bubbles, which is the "point!"

  • Pick-up-sticks - A traditional game my children love to play, recommended by our occupational therapist as good for treating cross dominance.

  • Jacks - Another traditional game good for crossing the midline.

  • Clapping Games - These are similar to "Patty Cake" and with younger children, I just make them up to fit the rhythm of a fun song. (See right column for suggestions.)
    When done with a partner, the pattern should be something like "Down, clap, cross (clap hands with partner), clap, down" etc.
    Older students have a lot of fun making up their own and teaching their "moves" to the rest of us!

  • Energizers and Dances - Many of the movements in dances and energizers are done at or across the midline. These involve music and a steady beat, both good for learning, and hopefully you've already shared some of your favorites on the Music Education in Schools page. (I hope you have!)
    The Hand Jive is done at the midline, and it is one my students always enjoy. Varying the speed is a good brain exercise so we switch it up between slow, medium, and fast.
  • Crossing Hands - This is another activity suggested to us by our school's OT (Thanks, S.W.!!).
    Cut right and left hands out of construction paper and laminate them. Place them on a wall in such a way that kids can cross their hands and "walk" down the wall by alternating left and right hands.